Now available on-demand. Originally recorded November 30th, 2023

Surveys are valuable tools for collecting insights, but if executed poorly, they can yield inaccurate or even incomplete results. While survey design often receives a lot of attention, survey launch—or the process of fielding a survey—is equally as important. 

A positive survey-taking experience isn’t built on survey design alone, it also hinges on the application of best practices during survey launch. In this webinar, our panel of experts will explore critical aspects of survey fielding best practices, ensuring you get the most accurate and comprehensive results.

Join us as industry leaders from aytm and Cint delve into the intricacies and best practices for successful survey administration and data collection. We’ll share knowledge and strategies for more effective and impactful surveys.

You'll learn how to:

  • Optimize survey launch times
  • Manage holiday effects on survey
  • Execute multi-country projects
  • Master complex multi-wave, multi-tracking projects
  • Utilize Census balancing effectively
  • And more